Turkey and Cheese Pinwheels

So I'm currently on this magical journey called pregnancy, with the added *bonus* of caring for a toddler at the same time. I'm freaking tired, you guys. Judah has an insurmountable arsenal of energy, and I'm just praying that Levi has a quiet spirit. But knowing my luck, he won't. In fact, you may never hear from me again after this summer.

But seriously, I'm so sickeningly in love with him I don't even care. Bring on the next crazy one.

{For even more pictures of my gorgeous offspring, follow me on Instagram!}

Back to what I was saying. I'm tired. And hormonal. And always, always hungry, and always craving something. This pregnancy, that something is deli meat. My friend, Christie, introduced these to me several months ago. She made them with jalapeƱo poppers for dinner. And I knew we'd be best friends forever.

What I love about this is it's a glorified sandwich. If you were to serve me a turkey sandwich at a party, I might be put off {not really, I'd probably love it, but possibly someone else}. But cut it into tiny pieces and I'm smitten. It's incredibly versatile, and just a good choice all around. Oh, and it's my new favorite food, for anyone who's taking notes.

  • Extra large tortillas
  • Turkey slices
  • Cheese slices
  • Cream cheese
  • Ranch
  • Shredded lettuce (optional)
  • Dijon mustard (optional)
  • Hummus (optional)


Lay out your tortilla.

Spread a thin layer of cream cheese over the top.

I'm sure by now you're familiar with my Ranch dressing obsession, but even so, have you tried this stuff?? I had a coupon, and now I'm hooked.

Lay out yer cheese.

Add the turkey.

Roll it up nice and tight, ignoring my apparently 90-year-old hands in this picture. If needed, dab a bit of cream cheese on the end of the tortilla so it'll stick and stay rolled up.

The hard part is over. Refrigerate without cutting for a few hours.

After the few hours are up, go ahead and slice thinly into pinwheels. Sorry about the lighting. The days are short.

And that's it! You're done. Go. To. Town.

Love and pinwheels,

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