November Giveaway

I am so in love with November. See, I got married in November. November is also the bearer of Thanksgiving, whose job is to essentially roll out the red carpet for Christmas. And we all know how obsessed I am with Christmas.

Speaking of obsessions, I am minorly obsessed with these personalized tumblers. Our dear family friend, Inger Luff, sells these amazing cups and personalizes them however you'd like. Posted above are a few examples, but don't limit Inger. This lady knows her stuff. She's that woman who you secretly envy because she's so fabulous and crafty and talented.

So as a "thank you" to the month of November-and as a little "I love ya'" to all of you readers out there-we're going to give one of these fabulous tumblers away. For free. As in nothing. Not even shipping. I actually own two of these in different designs, and wherever I am, they are. Kinda' like Ruth and Naomi (read your Bible, kids).

Inger's cups are $10 plus shipping, which I can just about promise is less expensive than you'll find in any of these boutiques. So I have to throw in there, this is a perfect Christmas gift for teachers, bosses and friends. Just sayin'. This one's on the house, though.

Okay, so here's the question I need you to answer in the comments section:

Seriously...when do you put up your Christmas tree?

I ask because mine has been up for over a week and I'm looking to absolve the weird guilt that plagues me over this. So make me feel good and maybe say that yours has been up since Halloween. The deadline is Friday, December 2, at midnight. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Good luck!

Love and cups,

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