Speaking of obsessions, I am minorly obsessed with these personalized tumblers. Our dear family friend, Inger Luff, sells these amazing cups and personalizes them however you'd like. Posted above are a few examples, but don't limit Inger. This lady knows her stuff. She's that woman who you secretly envy because she's so fabulous and crafty and talented.
So as a "thank you" to the month of November-and as a little "I love ya'" to all of you readers out there-we're going to give one of these fabulous tumblers away. For free. As in nothing. Not even shipping. I actually own two of these in different designs, and wherever I am, they are. Kinda' like Ruth and Naomi (read your Bible, kids).
Inger's cups are $10 plus shipping, which I can just about promise is less expensive than you'll find in any of these boutiques. So I have to throw in there, this is a perfect Christmas gift for teachers, bosses and friends. Just sayin'. This one's on the house, though.
Okay, so here's the question I need you to answer in the comments section:
Seriously...when do you put up your Christmas tree?
Good luck!
Love and cups,